Mercuria identity

Mercuria is a periodical blending art and science. We developed an identity for the project, commissioning JacobWise to adapt his Monarch typeface into a custom logotype. We have subsequently designed each installment of Vol.1, which explores Mercury as a theme and consists of various independently released chapters.

Chapter 1, A Fragmented History of Mercury, is an exploration of the Volume’s namesake undertaken across diverse fields of inquiry, including mythology, alchemy, and astrology.

Chapter 2, Prima Mythica, includes work by RoxanaAzar, MarionBelanger, MarianneBjørnmyr, TonyChirinos, AntoneDolezal, BrendanGeorgeKo, ChristopherRodriguez, DavidSteinberg, AthenaTorri, AndréViking, KatherineWolkoff, and TerezaZelenkov.

Bringing a mercurial approach to our design, each chapter shifts in format, material, and typographic details.

Chapter 3, On Medicine and Madness, explores the complicated history of mercury and the human body with an essay by LizSales and photographs by SophieGabrielle.

We worked with EmilieVizcano to create custom lettering for the chapter’s introduction and excerpts from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, which overlay Gabrielle’s macabre images.

Additional installments of Mercuria are forthcoming. Upon completion of Vol.1, a limited edition portfolio designed to house all chapters of the volume will be released.
Publisher: Conveyor Studio
Editor: Christina Labey
Mercuria lettering: Jacob Wise
Chapter 3 lettering: Emilie Vizcano
Junior designer: Élise Rigollet