Go Name Yourself card deck

Created by Eli Altman and Rose Linke of naming studio AHundredMonkeys, Go Name Yourself is a deck of cards for coming up with great names for your business, project or product.

This boxed set of 90 cards is divided into four color-coded suits (Preparation, Ideation, Lessons, and Vetting), each packed with thought exercises and advice for generating and selecting names.

To further inspire player creativity, each card is paired with photography and illustration that highlights, contrasts, and subverts its accompanying text.

Pairing artwork with nearly all 90 cards was accomplished on a shoestring budget by sourcing existing imagery from a range of photographers and illustrators. We also created several of our own illustrations and commissioned PeteGamlen to illustrate all artwork in the deck’s Vetting section.

Other contributors include NandoAlvarez-Perez, BrandonCeli, Fatchurofi, JulianGlander, ChrisMaggio, RossMantle, AlistairMatthews, EdwardMonaghan, NadineRedlich, ÉliseRigollet, EricRuby, NickSheeran, and CariVanderYacht.

Design and Art Direction with Mark Pernice for Out of Office
Created by Eli Altman and Rose Linke
Printed by PrintNinja