Image Text Ithaca poster series

Series of three posters for ImageTextIthaca featuring work collaboratively produced by the MFA program’s 2022 graduating cohort under the direction of visiting fellow TonyaFoster. Each poster responds to the idea of a contemporary book of hours.

Each poster is printed in 2-3 colors—gold along with different fluorescent PMS inks. The posters weave fragments of text, images, and an abstracted version of each poster’s title set in ornate blackletter.

Type playful set along arched pathways references Italian Gothic architecture in a nod to the posters’ production in Venice, Italy, which occurred during the cohort’s final travel practicum.

Images and text by: “Blindspotting” (purple poster): Rob Contreras, Nan Heyneman, Daax Ukaj; “Every single last thing of all the many many things that happened” (pink poster) Hyacinth Schukis, Dale Small; “how to build a paper clock” (yellow poster): Saxon Baird, Raegan Bird, Kole Kovacs, Jared Lindahl, John Smieska
Edited by Catherine Taylor and Nicholas Muellner
Published by Image Text Ithaca Press
Printed by Grafiche Veneziane
Junior designer: Corinne Ang