Artist in Residence book

Artist in Residence / Artista en Residencia is a collection of prompts by artists that can be performed at home while sheltering in place. Curated by Beta-Local (PR), ICAatVirginiaCommonwealthUniversity (VA), and PhiladelphiaContemporary (PA), proceeds go to the Foundation for Contemporary Arts.

Written in English and Spanish with a mandate that neither should receive priority over the other, we conceived of a pocket-sized paperback that can be read in one language, then flipped to display the other.

To keep the project cost efficient, but considered, books were printed digitally in black ink on colored paper. Colors were mixed together at random, resulting in a unique combination in each book. Covers were letterpressed in black ink to contrast with the book’s bright interior.

Throughout the book, text changes size to accommodate entries of varied lengths and fit each within a single page.

We also created an index that allows readers to browse exercises by duration, supplies, and other themes.

Curated by Beta-Local (Puerto Rico), ICA at Virginia Commonwealth University (Virginia), and Philadelphia Contemporary (Pennsylvania)
Publisher: Publication Studio Hudson
Junior designer: Jordi Ng