NYT On Tech art direction
From January 2022 until its conclusion in September 2022, we art directed OnTech, ShiraOvide’s New York Times newsletter examining technology’s “wonderful and not-so-wonderful” impact on the world, in collaboration with AlvaroDominguez.

Responding to Shira’s unique and accessible writing style and far reaching subject matter, we strove to curate an eclectic selection of aesthetic styles while preserving a distinct visual voice for the column.

Published Tuesday through Thursday each week, these illustrations were produced on tight deadlines, often in under 24 hours and sometimes in only a few. Despite this intense pace, we collaborated with a wide range of artists, many of whom had never before worked with the New York Times.

On Tech by: Shira Ovide
Editor: Hanna Ingber
Design director: Shannon Robertson
Co-art director: Alvaro Dominguez
Contributing illustrators: JulianGlander, ErikCarter, MathieuLabrecque, ZakTebbal, PeterSteineck, JohnProvencher, BrendanConroy, BurtonBooz, IreneSuosalo, GabrielGabrielGarble, CharlesDesmarais, KonradAdamModrzejewski, StephanDybus, ChristaJarrold, DanAnthonyKelly, LoulouJoão, VinceIbayandJessicaMiller, SamWood, ScorpionDagger, TaliaCotton, YONK, ShiraInbar, JinhwaOh, JamesMarshall, PeterBurr, RuruKuo, AndreasLund, AmirBJahanbin, NikitaIziev, RuslanVyaltsev, JackSnelling, VíctorArce, JohanaKroft, AlexValentina, NathanDie, AsyaDemidova, YoshiSodeoka, SallyThurer, HarryBhalerao, JoelPlosz, DanielJurman, JackieCarlise, NickSheeran, SarahAnnBanks